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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Death Certificates

New River Community Health Care Center and the Florida Department of Health in Union County

Vital Statistics 

The Florida Department of Health in Union County can help you obtain a Death Certificate on someone who has died in Union County since 2008.

Death Certificates earlier than 2008 or on someone from another county may be obtained from the State Vital Statistics Office in Jacksonville by calling (904) 359-6900 Ext. 9000 or by calling the credit card line at (877) 550-7330. The mailing address is: State Office of Vital Statistics, Attn: Customer Services, Post Office Box 210, Jacksonville, FL& 32231-0042.

The Vital Statistics office does not research death information. In order to obtain a death certificate from this office you must have the correct month and year of death.

Applying for a Death Certificate 

You may apply for Death Certificates in person or by mail.

In Person: Our office is located at 495 E Main St, Lake Butler, FL 32054.  The Vital Statistics office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

By Mail: Print and mail the completed Application for Death Certificate form along with payment to the Florida Department of Health in Union County Office of Vital Statistics, 495 E Main St, Lake Butler, FL 32054.  Proper identification must be enclosed if you wish for the cause of death to be listed on the Death Certificate.

Cost and Payment: Cash, Credit Cards, Money Orders, and Cashier's Checks are accepted.  NO Personal Checks are accepted.

  • First Copy - $10.00
  • Additional copies ordered at the same time - $8.00


Death Certificates are public record and anyone may obtain certified copies, which do not show the cause of death information.  Certified copies of death certificates, which show the cause of death may only be issued to the deceased's spouse or parent, or the deceased's child, grandchild, or sibling, if of legal age, or to any family member who provides a will, insurance policy, or other document that demonstrates the family member's interest in the estate of the deceased, or to any person who provides documentation that he or she is acting on behalf of any of them, or by court order directing to who a death record may be issued.  Cause of death information becomes public information 50 years following the death.